Child Of God

*.* Child of God *.*

INFO: I am a believer in the Son of the living God. My life had changed when i accepted Him into my life. He is my Lord and savior. My healer and best of all, He is my F.R.I.E.N.D!

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

*.* The king has one more move! *.*

Two men are standing in front of a painting called Checkmate in an art gallery. In the painting, a man is playing chess with what was drawn as a devil. The devil has a lot of the chess pieces left where as the man has only the king piece left.

The first man looking at the painting wants to move on to other paintings in the gallery. But the second man, an international chess champion, wants to look at the painting longer, so he waves his friend on and tells him he will catch up later.

The chess champion stares and stares at the chess board, then suddenly he steps back, flabbergasted. “It’s wrong!” he exclaims. “There’s one more move.” He runs to his friend and together they look at the painting. “We have to contact the painter,” the chess champion says. “It’s not checkmate. The king has one more move.”

In the bible, there are a lot of times when it seems like the devil is winning, but our God has one last move. In the story of Exo 14 when the Egyptians chase them till the red sea, it seems that they have no way to run, but God open the red sea for them to cross, no sooner no later just to let them cross and "kill their problem" the Egyptians who are chasing them.

In the tomb of Jesus, it seems that He has died, but the king has one last move. God raised Jesus from death and brought Him back to life.

Perhaps you feel like you are in "checkmate" in your life. You are in debt, you are in need of healing, you are in a broken relationship, remember, God has the last move. He will make a way when there is no way!

Pastor Ray McCauley is awesome.

Me blogged @ | 8:06 AM